Sunday, March 6, 2011

Who cares about you, we are all that matters.

Thats what it is like with the in laws. They so only think about themselves. Today is SIL birthday so last night they had dinner. James didn't want to go but decided we probably should since it was for her birthday. James rings to see what time. He gets off the phone and this is how the convo went:
Me- What time are they having tea?
James- We have to pick Phil up at 8pm.
Me- You are fricken kidding me?
James- I wasn't no.
Me- We have a 7 month old that goes to bed at 8.30
James- Its not my fault, Phillip won't be ready until then.
Me- We have a 7 month old do they ever think about us.
James- Its not my fault.
I walk away with the shits

Really I wish he could stand up and say well sorry we won't be there thats to late for Ashton. But no we go down there and don't get down there till 8.15 bc we were waiting for Phillip, they have already eaten. (which didn't worry me bc I couldn't eat bc of my gall I had had tea) BUT really they couldn't even wait to eat tea, they so don't care about us. Why does James bother really, stop trying to please them when it is never going to happen.

Then we had to wait till all hours bc the kids wanted to go look for bunnies.

So we get home at 10.30pm, Ashton screaming and way over tired. And as a result of that I have been up half the night.

Thanks James grow some balls and think about us first instead of them. We are ment to be your number 1's not mummy and Philly.


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