Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 you have been great!!!

2011 you have been great I hope 2012 can be as good or even better. 2010 wasn't a year that was going to be hard to beat since the ONLY good thing that happened that year was Ashton.

2012 you will bring me
- another precious bundle to love and adore.
- Hopefully a healthier lifestyle.
- a body that I can be on the way to loving instead of loathing
- and hopefully a even happier life but for that to happen I have to hope a horrible thing happens, but I do think it (insert evil eyes here)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My boys

Its very hard to get a photo of the both of them together.

My boys are just a delight. They put a smile on my face every day, I also put my stern voice on at least once a day, but they are kids that's what happens.

Zack is now 3 years 10 months and just jumps all the time, he is like a kangaroo bounce, bounce, bouncing he especially does it when he is excited, it amuses me allot. He loves to watch movies, at the moment his favourite is scooby doo. His favourite things are still dinosaurs. He has 100's and 100's of them and still wants more. He plays with them all the time. He especially like to play with them in the sandpit. His favourite person is still Pop but I don't think that will ever change. Every day he asks me several times is pop home yet and as soon as he gets home he is up there playing dinosaurs or on his ship (the bed) where he puts all his toys on and fights off cannon balls (as he calls them but he means cannibals).

Ashton is not 17 months and is such a character, he wants to jump up and down like his brother but just can't work out the jumping bit instead he looks like happy feet dancing. He now bends right down and springs up so he is getting closer to actually jumping. He is as cheeky as cheeky and gives you that cheeky grin when he is going to do something wrong. He loves to climb and we now live with out chairs on our dining room table, lovely. He also likes to watch Zacks movies but his favourite is hi5. He dances around to the music and puts his hand up for hi5, actually he will dance to any type of music, it is really quite sweet. He EATS and EATS I don't know where he puts it all, OMG he eats. Although now he has gotten fussy and won't touch his vegies all besides potato he loves potato. If he keeps up at this rate James and I are going to have to get 2 jobs each to feed him when he is a teenager.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


At my 8 week date scan, the ultrasound tech asked me to wait around in town to see my dr before going home. I knew it must mean something is wrong. I didn't panic to much as I saw and heard babies heartbeat and it was nice and strong and baby was measuring spot on so at least I knew baby was healthy. After a 2 hour wait the dr told me I had a large hematoma. He told me it could break away taking the baby with it. This scared the shit out of me. He also told me that most of the time it is fine but to expect to bleed soon.

I went home and jumped on google which gave me hope. Although everything said about bleeding and bleeding. Week after week went on and I was just waiting to bleed. I did take it easy though I was told not to lift anything to heavy. My 12 week scan came up and I still hadn't had any bleeding. I SOOOOOOOOO wanted to hear the hematoma is gone. The ultrasound tech wouldn't tell me anything even when I asked all she said was they will compair the size from the last scan and the results will be sent to your dr. I was devistated! Ob's appointment was the following Tuesday and the results were not in yet, talked about pissed. She told me these is nothing I can do about the hematoma so don't worry about it now it is later on if it doesn't go is when it could cause problems by taking away the placenta. Great a misscarriage is horrible but the last thing I want is a stillborn I couldn't handle that.

Thursday my dr rang me and told me my downs and other test came back low risk 1-24000 and 1-12000 so that was a relief. He also told me that I now had two small hematomas. Yay! I am guessing it must be going. I really hope by the 16th Jan 2012 when I go for my next scan it is all gone. I can't wait to find out the sex of bub.

Drama's of pregnancy. But I am still yet to have a bleed.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Well here I am

I'M PREGNANT!!! Meet baby #3 due 12th June but will most like be born via c-section on the 6th of June I predict as they do c-sections on Wednesdays at my hospital and the ob does it the week before you are due. I can't wait till my next scan to see if we have another little boy on the way or finally my little girl is going to join us. It is booked for the 16th of Jan so will come around in no time with Christmas and new year in the middle of it.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A day out and about

Today Mum, Dad, my sister, the boys and I went for a day out. We went shopping, had lunch out then dad brought the boys home while mum, my sister and I went to see Breaking dawn with my 2 aunties and cousin.

Yes I am in love with twilight and even more with Edward Cullen (not Rob Patterson). I read story after story with him in it in a site called fanfiction where people make totally different kinda stories using the twilight characters. Of course I loved the movie. Some bits were different than the story and I could have watched it for longer so I don't think they needed to miss so much out (but this is from a twilight lover too). I didn't really like the wolf pack talking in there wolf form, made me laugh. The wedding was nice, I didn't go much on her dress although I loved the back and the wedding speeches where funny. Oh and how could I forget Jacob (Taylor Laurtner) YUM YUM YUM even though he wasn't shirtless much in this movie. I did like the not cleanly shaven Jacob!!!

It felt good to have a day out away from home.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Let me know when you get there safe ffs

FFS I have said it now for YEARS and YEARS, when you travel somewhere, message or ring me when you get there. So James left thismorning at 9am, its now 8pm and I am still yet to hear from him. Pisses me even more that I didn't even know he was going away until I got up thismorning and he is packed to go. Its always brother, brother, brother. He says he will be back tomorrow but truely I don't know if I believe him, unless it rains that is.

I just a moment ago ring him and he said I thought you would realise I was here. Like how? For all I know you crashed on the way. Oh it annoys me. Ash has been very challenging today so this hasn't aided my exceptional mood!

Friday, November 4, 2011

So many things happening right now

So much is happening right now. I have had so much on my mind, I have been walking around in a daze. I can't tell you just yet but I will soon. Hopefully it all turns out right so I can share my excitement on here. I really hope it all turns out ok.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stupid ridiculously high power bill

Jump again shit yeah our electricity bill more than doubled from our last electricity billed and and was 4.5 time higher than this time last year. F*** how the hell do they expect us to live when the electricity bill is higher than what James make a week. I am much more careful now with the power but OMG they are talking about it going up again. Well its paid  now after I got an extension and I am not quite sure how I am going to buy food next week but I suppose we will live.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Over it!

James has been gone ALL day today. He left down to his mothers to help his brother on the truck at 7.30am. It is now 7.05pm and he still isn't home. Every bloody weekend he goes down there and spends half the weekend down there. There is so much to do around the house but he spends all his time down there. P!sses me off. I don't mind him going down there just not all frigen day!!!!

Camping last weekend

Well I survived our camping trip. It was exhausting chasing Ashton around he so wanted to step into that water.  Thank god my sister was there to help out. Zack had a few time where he wanted to go home. When he had a little scare in the water, when it started to get dark and when he decided he wanted to watch a movie LOL. Anyway here are some pics of our camping trip.
It was James'/Dads birthday
Ash and Aunty K throwing rock into water

Zack and Scooters my sisters dog

Friday, October 14, 2011


We are taking the boys on there first camping trip to the dam this weekend. I hate camping! James loves it. But since it is James' birthday and thats what he wants to do and the fact that Zack will love it, I'm going. I am going to deal with it and camp with horrible hole in the ground toilets. It is actually freaking me out a  bit, there is going to have to be an eye on the boys at all time and I feel I am going to be exhausted by the end of it. I will post back with some photos after we have gone.

Monday, October 10, 2011

She's Back

She's back, MIL that is and of cause there is drama already. SIL that didn't go away with them came down because "mum would like us all to be there". James said we were not going down for tea he wanted to stay home. I wasn't going anyway but poor Zack had to go down. The next day James said to me sounds like its a good thing we were not there last night. They were all fighting and SIL that went away with MIL was crying. No wonder the next day when they rang up to ask if Zack wanted to go to there place he said no. Zack picks up on everything and I can imagine how horrible it was down there last night I have witnessed it before. I feel so bad that my baby boy had to witness it. So after the whole 2 hours of being back she has caused shit already. I so don't understand why they all don't just eliminate her from there lives, there lives would be so much easier.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Not to plan

I thought this was going to be the best school holidays in a really, really, really long time. MIL went away with one of her daughters for the whole holidays so no worrying about her. Which meant my other SIL wouldn't come up. Oh it was going to be bliss. I was wrong, SIL still came down. It wasn't to bad, Zack stayed there most of the weekend playing with her kids, but without the child abusing MIL there I was ok with it. I even went down there for lunch on the Monday. It reminded me how much I hated it but it also showed SIL, BIL, FIL how I was willing to go down there without MIL there. Actually I have been down there a bit since she has gone, just to prove that point. So it wasn't the bliss I was hoping for but it was still better than any holiday period in a real long time.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Wits End

Zack really has me at my wits end. He is pushing all my buttons and I am finding it very hard not to loose it at him. He just keeps pushing and pushing and pushing and won't listen to a thing I say. It is really driving me mad. I don't know what is wrong with him and how to fix it. It makes me feel like a parental failure :-( Hopefully this stage will end soon because I don't know how much longer I can deal with it without loosing my mind and gaining the worse parent award.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I think you were right!

Oh how I love hearing the words "I think you were right". Especially when hearing them coming from your husband. I few weeks ago now I said to James in quite a pissed off tone that his brother is trying to keep you away from us to cause trouble between us again. He said do you think so and I answered "I know so", he piped up and said no I don't think so.

Anyway yesterday we were going down to his parents place to get the trailer when his brother dear rings. Asks what he is doing which James answers I have lots to do around the house and some things for work next week. 10 minutes later he shows up and says I need your help. Now James is stupid because he is to scared to say no to either his mum or brother. So what we were planning to do was put on the back burner. I loaded the kids into the car and was told he will be back before we get home from my parents place for lunch. I get home put the kids to sleep and he still isn't home. I ring him and say I thought you were going to be home before me and he said oh brother wanted me to look at putting an extension on his house (the thing we were doing was in prep to build a verandah on our house and he knows this). When he finally gets home he says to me, you know I think you are right brother does anything to keep me with him and away from you and the kids and the things I need to do. I just said I told you so.

Now I understand and think it is quite fine that he needs to help his brother and I would have been fine with it yesterday, if he hadn't spent the whole day before helping his brother.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Life can be so unfair

Sometimes you just don't know how lucky you are. I wing about my IL's and my kids not sleeping but they are nothing compared to what some people are going through. It makes me feel bad, I have NOTHING to wing about.

Visit this is a women I know who's daughter is very sick. She was a healthy little girl then one day she started fitting and their lifes have been turn upside down. Its so devastating and unfair. I read her blog and cried my eyes out. She is such a strong women and no family should have to go through it. Please pray for precious, beautiful Stella.

After reading this I have nothing to complain about.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bye Bye

MIL is going away for 2 weeks, YAY 2 weeks of not having to think about her! Negative is that I thought it was for a month,and its only 2 weeks. YAY YAY YAY YAY so happy. Hope she doesn't comeback!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Really my IL's are ridiculous. On the weekend my MIL had to go pick up my SIL's dog to look after. SIL rang James and asked him if he would go down to MIL's place and lift the dog out of the car for her. Now the dog is a boarder collie like the one above and is very old so has to be lifted out. What I don't understand is why she couldn't lift the stupid, child attacking dog out herself. The dog is a kg heavier than Ashton and she lifts him, lighter than Zack and I have seen her lift him so why the hell could she not lift a dog out of a small hatchback car.

Anyway she picked DH up on her way home and took him to her place (at tea time which he was cooking, we were having a bbq) and when he came home he walked in the door and said she is such a so and so B!tch. I said why what happened? He said she went off and was cruel to him about anything that was said. He left in a good mood and came home in a bad mood. She does something nice for her, out of his way which was for a ridiculous reason and she treats him like shit.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Yay I am back

Yay after almost 2.5 months I finally have my computer back!!! Well actually it is not my computer because they could not fix it so they gave me a new one! And so I think they should since I have been waiting for so long I was starting to get quite annoyed! So blogging will start again now! I love having my output and have missed it so much.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ashton's Birthday

playing with his ball pit

All of his presents- waiting for dad to come home so he can open them

Waiting, waiting
Yum birthday cake

More presents from nan and pop

Cool bike nan and pop bought him

Piano from nan and pop

Yum Yum spaghetti for tea my favourite

Party birthday cake (so not happy with it)

Party all set up minus hot food

Lolly bags and cupcakes

Birthday boy

Birthday boy with his favourite person pop !