Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Really my IL's are ridiculous. On the weekend my MIL had to go pick up my SIL's dog to look after. SIL rang James and asked him if he would go down to MIL's place and lift the dog out of the car for her. Now the dog is a boarder collie like the one above and is very old so has to be lifted out. What I don't understand is why she couldn't lift the stupid, child attacking dog out herself. The dog is a kg heavier than Ashton and she lifts him, lighter than Zack and I have seen her lift him so why the hell could she not lift a dog out of a small hatchback car.

Anyway she picked DH up on her way home and took him to her place (at tea time which he was cooking, we were having a bbq) and when he came home he walked in the door and said she is such a so and so B!tch. I said why what happened? He said she went off and was cruel to him about anything that was said. He left in a good mood and came home in a bad mood. She does something nice for her, out of his way which was for a ridiculous reason and she treats him like shit.

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