Monday, April 25, 2011

IL only grandparents when they feel like it!

So Yesterday I posted about easter with the good family, the bad family DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER or WANT TO see the kids. I am sooooo pissed!!! FIL was even here to drop James off from work but just drove away, didn't even give us time to go out and see him. AND in the morning when they had to pick James up for work MIL didn't come instead she sent SIL (with whom she does everything with). SIL gave the boys an easter present but they didn't even bother to come see the boys. They don't care one bit about our kids. James has said it time and time again, yet he runs around and does everything they say.

Like this morning he took Zack down there to keep them happy. She gave Zack the showbag she bought him that she has had for a week but hasn't bothered to bring it to him and has been waiting for us to take him down there (prob because she doesn't want to see me). BUT what does Ashton get NOTHING and this is a BIG PET HATE of mine. They play favourites and are not afraid to show it. Everyone knows who the favourite child is. Who the favourite grandchild is and then who is the prefered sibling in each family. Yes at the moment it doesn't matter much because Ash is so young but soon enough it will and I will NOT have it. If she doesn't want to get something for Ash she doesn't get anything for Zack. I have seen it happen with my nieces and its horrible.

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