Saturday, September 18, 2010


When Ashton was a week and a half old I had this terrible pain in my back. I was getting dressed for bed texting James when it just hit. OMG it was the worse pain ever! I told James to stop bugging me bc something is wrong. I walked out to the loungeroom and told mum something was wrong. I put up with the pain for 4 hours (mum was looking after Ashton for me, bringing him to me for feeds only bless her) until it was all to much and I asked mum to take me to the hospital at 2am. I know this freaked mum out because I have a high pain tolerance and I hate the hospital I had to go too. We packed Ash up and went, the car ride was horrible. Ash once again was a little angel. The hospital told me it was probably muscle spasms from having Ash and offered me painkillers I couldn't breastfeed with (GREAT) so I didn't take the pain killers. The pain just all of a sudden stopped after 6 or so hours(arrr bliss).

Since then I have had another 3 bad attacks and 4 slight attacks. After the 3rd attack I went to the dr got a scan and yes I was right I had gall stones. No fat for me. Although bc I had suspected it I had cut right down anyway. I have lost 7kg so far and hoping to loose more this is the only good thing about it.

Next month Ash and I are off to hospital to get my gall out. All I was worried about is Ashton and the dr was like thats easy take him with you. I will express 2 feeds and mum will look after him while i am in theater and I can breastfeed as soon as I am awake enough to hold him. I have to be in there for 4 days which is a downer bc everywhere I read says overnight. Maybe he is keeping me in bc I have a newborn and just had a c-section? not sure.

To be able to eat what I want is going to be great, hope I don't put the weight back on. I have 5 weeks to hopefully loose another 5kg. James is having a fit that I want to loose weight but pft to him.

Gallstones are the worse pain ever, I'd have a 38 hour labour followed by a c-section anyday!

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