Tuesday, September 21, 2010


My best friend from high school is still my best friend. We got married 3 weeks apart, honeymooned at the same place, had our first child 11 months apart, our 2nd child 5 months (well will be when she has her 2nd in Dec) apart. I have always just snuck in doing all these things first. All besides moving away, I still live in the town we grew up in and don't really want to leave its a great town to raise kids.

BUT just this week I have been missing her alot. I informed her that she needs to move back. She told me she would move herself and the farm just for me. Bloody farmers wife LOL! Just to have her close by to visit and talk to would be nice. We talk every week but at the moment doesn't feel like enough and when she has her second child, I think she will feel the same. She is much more isolated then I am.

Good friends are hard to find, I am lucky to have her in my life! :-)

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