Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My boys

Its very hard to get a photo of the both of them together.

My boys are just a delight. They put a smile on my face every day, I also put my stern voice on at least once a day, but they are kids that's what happens.

Zack is now 3 years 10 months and just jumps all the time, he is like a kangaroo bounce, bounce, bouncing he especially does it when he is excited, it amuses me allot. He loves to watch movies, at the moment his favourite is scooby doo. His favourite things are still dinosaurs. He has 100's and 100's of them and still wants more. He plays with them all the time. He especially like to play with them in the sandpit. His favourite person is still Pop but I don't think that will ever change. Every day he asks me several times is pop home yet and as soon as he gets home he is up there playing dinosaurs or on his ship (the bed) where he puts all his toys on and fights off cannon balls (as he calls them but he means cannibals).

Ashton is not 17 months and is such a character, he wants to jump up and down like his brother but just can't work out the jumping bit instead he looks like happy feet dancing. He now bends right down and springs up so he is getting closer to actually jumping. He is as cheeky as cheeky and gives you that cheeky grin when he is going to do something wrong. He loves to climb and we now live with out chairs on our dining room table, lovely. He also likes to watch Zacks movies but his favourite is hi5. He dances around to the music and puts his hand up for hi5, actually he will dance to any type of music, it is really quite sweet. He EATS and EATS I don't know where he puts it all, OMG he eats. Although now he has gotten fussy and won't touch his vegies all besides potato he loves potato. If he keeps up at this rate James and I are going to have to get 2 jobs each to feed him when he is a teenager.

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